How to plant cherry tomatoes in a pots?

Posté par combustible
le 22 Jan 2021

Who said you need a big backyard to grow your little garden? If some fruits and vegetables require more space to grow, it is possible to have a garden on your balcony to ripen them. Often used in salads or to make bruschettas, cherry tomatoes remain a must for small balconies. By following our advice, you will be able to grow cherry tomatoes and serve them to your guests as appetizers.

How to plant cherry tomatoes?

It is essential to have a pot large enough to allow cherry tomatoes to grow safely. Choose a pot that is at least 30 by 50 centimeters to accommodate the cherry tomato plant. In-store, we have Canto self-watering pots that will allow you to grow your plants without having to worry all the time about watering them. Perfect for those who don’t have a green thumb but still want to bring greenery into their outdoor space. We also have the Cubico LS Premium model that will give as much cachet to your balcony as it will make your plants grow thanks to its water tank at the bottom of the tub. 

pot auto arrosant Lechuza Canto

When to plant cherry tomatoes?

Simultaneously, as we start our spring cleaning and the spring frosts are over, you should start planting your cherry tomatoes. The month of May is the perfect time to place your pots on the balcony and put the cherry tomatoes in pots. Given the small size of the fruit, it is also possible to plant them around mid-July; it will still be able to grow and complete your salads for the end of the summer season.

Where should cherry tomatoes be placed?

 Knowing that this fruit needs plenty of light, it is preferable to put it outside in the sun. It is not recommended to place it inside the house, since there is not enough light. Make sure your jar is protected from the wind as well as from rain as much as possible. Don’t forget to invest in a bamboo stem so that it can grow well. Cherry tomatoes need stakes so as not to damage their roots.

How often should I water my cherry tomatoes?

Watering your plants well is essential if you want to have beautiful cherry tomatoes. The optimal watering frequency is three times a week with icy water. Avoid watering the foliage and concentrate on the roots.

Want to grow your garden on your balcony? Come to Le Balconier! 

Since 2013, the Balconier’s mission has been to reinvent the art of living in the city by offering high-end garden furniture and pots for small and large balconies. Although we do not offer plants, we have a large selection of pots that will bring style to your living space and allow you to grow your garden.

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