According to the World Health Organization, did you know that even before reaching adulthood, the average person has already received up to 80% of their total exposure to harmful UV radiation? When we think of summer, we think of all those beautiful moments spent with friends. It’s time for the children to go back to the sandbox and build an imaginary world with friends. While the return of sunshine and nice weather is great for everyone, we must not forget to think about our skin. Invisible ultraviolet rays are known to be one of the leading causes of sunburn and skin cancer. In this blog post, we offer you a few tips to protect your children’s skin.
A few tips to enjoy the sun safely.
The sun’s ultraviolet rays do not have the same intensity depending on the time of day. On the hottest days, it would be wise to consider the time of day when the rays are less harmful: Between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. until the end of the day. The idea is not to lock yourself in between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. if you have to go out at these hours, remember to apply sun cream.
How to choose a good sunscreen?
Applying sunscreen will not automatically make you immune to ultraviolet rays. When you shop in a pharmacy, it is important to choose yours carefully. The best-known factor remains the SPF for sun protection factor. It gives you an estimate of the degree of protection of a cream that you will have. We advise you not to buy creams with an SPF of less than 15, as it will not provide sufficient protection if you plan to stay on your terrace for a long time. Ideally, invest in a cream with an SPF greater than 30. Take the time to read the label; some sun creams will allow you to swim in your pool without having to reapply cream, while others will not.
Invest in a parasol
When your children play outside, they must take regular breaks in the shade. An excellent way to make sure you do this is by installing a parasol on your terrace, or better still, directly over the sandbox. As well as giving style to your outdoor space, the parasols will guarantee your child’s safety.
How to choose a good parasol for the terrace?
Not all parasols are created equal. Suppose some supermarkets offer you parasols for as little as $200. In that case, it’s likely that after a summer or two, it will be completely discolored. Choose models with an extended warranty that will last you several years. Depending on the layout, you can opt for a straight parasol or one with a hinged arm.
For outdoor furniture and parasols, come to Le Balconier.
Since 2013, The Balconier’s mission has been to reinvent the art of living in the city. We have helped thousands of Quebecers all over the province to give their outdoor space some style. We invite you, from now on, to discover our selection of branded outdoor furniture as well as our parasols.